Types Of Treatment
Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis that lays its main emphasis on the musculoskeletal system (muscles and joints) of the body. The treatments Daniele can provide include:

Soft Tissue Manipulation

Articulatory Technique / Mobilisation
Also known as ‘CPM’ (Continuous Passive Movement), this treatment procedure is also considered a form of soft-tissue manipulation and involves the gentle mobilisation of the affected joint. Taking it through its perhaps traumatised range of movement, the therapeutic intent is (by passive means) to return the joint as close as possible back to full range, thereby creating a sedation effect that encourages the reduction of pain and stiffness.

Lifestyle Advice
In order to ensure the most effective and efficient improvement in any particular condition, it is important for the therapist to discuss the patient’s lifestyle, thereby determining any factors that may adversely impact the return of the injury back to its normal status. This is also true for long-standing, chronic problems that keep recurring

Joint Manipulation
The osteopath is highly trained and experienced in the manipulation of joints. This is a manual approach that involves skilled techniques designed to restore correct function to the integrity of the musculoskeletal system. The benefits include the reduction of pain, stabilisation of the joint and increased range of movement.

Cranial Osteopathy
Cranial osteopathy is a delicate and subtle variation of osteopathic treatment. It encourages the release of often pent-up strains and tensions contained within the body matrix. Its gentle and safe, yet powerful, approach can be effective in treating a wide range of conditions and patients of all ages.

Choosing your osteopath?
Why Choose Us
Extensive experience as an osteopath in private practice for 35+ years
Registered with the General Osteopathic Council no. 1/2395/F
Trained in osteopathy among other osteopathic-related disciplines, including cranial osteopathy
Former member of the board of the British Osteopathic Association and Scottish Osteopathic Society
Former spokesman for the Osteopathic Information Service
Maintaining regular high level of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Interested also in the treatment of injuries specifically-related to dance and sport injury's

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